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Audrey, Wait!

Audrey, Wait! - Robin Benway OH MY GOD I loved this book, like I loved this book a lot. I have a secret love for cheesy YA Romance books, and when I saw the synopsis of this one I seriously couldn't resist.

Seriously, this combines some of my most favorite things in books: YA, romance and fame. Like seriously, if I have a guilty pleasure for cults, you should see my guilty pleasure for YA fame books (like [b:Secrets of My Hollywood Life|196549|Secrets of My Hollywood Life (Secrets of My Hollywood Life, #1)|Jen Calonita|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1391992981s/196549.jpg|1416200] by [a:Jen Calonita|114528|Jen Calonita|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1337182833p2/114528.jpg]). So I couldn't WAIT to devour this book. And devour it I did. I finished it easily within a day, and found myself wanting to read anything Robin Benway put out.

There were absolutely cliche elements in it, but that was okay, just enough cliche makes me happy, but it was also funny. Like really, really funny, and I enjoyed that. I've loved music all my life and the way that Audrey talks about music is basically how I've always felt about music.

Audrey was super likeable, and I found myself just honestly, really enjoying this book. It's something I would absolutely come back to again, and have no problem recommending to fans of [a:Sarah Dessen|2987|Sarah Dessen|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1372181953p2/2987.jpg], [a:Meg Cabot|11654|Meg Cabot|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1197201648p2/11654.jpg] and the like. Benway is a phenomenal writer and knows the right mix of everything to keep people interested. I want to dive into anything else she's ever written because even if it's only half as good, it'll still be amazing.

This book for me is in the same vein as the Anna and the French Kiss books, but funnier. Like I really laughed out loud multiple times at this book, I can't get enough.

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